World-class research center ‘Center for Personalized Medicine’

The world-class scientific center ‘Center for Personalized Medicine’ was created on the basis of the consortium of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ‘Institute of Experimental Medicine’ and the Federal State Budgetary Institution ‘Almazov National Medical Research Centre’

Shevchenko Sergey Borisovich, Doctor in Medicine


Scientific and educational center ‘Molecular bases of interaction of microorganisms and humans’ WCRC ‘Center for Personalized Medicine’

Competence centers
Peptide Engineering Competence Center
Competence Center ‘Microbial Therapy’
Department of Scientific Projects Support
Department of Microbial Therapy
Laboratories within the department of microbial therapy
Laboratory of Oncolytic bacteria
Laboratory for Vaccine Prevention of Infectious Diseases
Laboratory of Personalized Microbial Therapy
Separate laboratories
Laboratory of Alternative Antimicrobial Biologicals
Laboratory for innovative methods of microbiological monitoring

NEWS of WCRC ‘Center for Personalized Medicine’

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