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FSBSI ‘IEM’ announces admission to doctoral studies in the scientific specialty: 03.14.06 – Pharmacology, Clinical pharmacology. Number of place – 2.   Doctoral studies of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ‘Institute of Experimental Medicine’ (FSBSI ‘IEM’) is organized to train highly qualified scientific personnel by providing the opportunity for scientific research by doctoral students and assistance in the preparation of a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medical (Biological) Sciences. Training of doctorates at the IEM is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on doctoral studies of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ‘Institute of Experimental Medicine’ (FSBSI ‘IEM’), approved by the Director’s Order on the 17th of September, 2018 No. 380.   Research assistants can be admitted to the doctoral studies of the FSBSI IEM if:
  1. a) they have a scientific degree of a Ph.D. or a scientific degree obtained in a foreign state, recognized in the Russian Federation, the holder of which is granted the same academic and (or) professional rights as a Ph.D. in the Russian Federation;
  2. b) they have at least five years of experience in teaching and (or) scientific work;
  3. c) they have a work experience in the releasing organization for at least one year;
  4. d) they have scientific achievements, confirmed by a list of works published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and (or) patents for inventions, patents (certificates) for a utility model, registered in the prescribed manner;
  5. e) they have a plan of the preparation of the dissertation.
  List of documents:   — personal statement of the employee addressed to the director of the FSBSI ‘EM’ on the intention to participate in the competitive selection for admission to doctoral studies at the FSBSI ‘IEM’; — a letter of application, signed by the head of the releasing organization and certified by the seal of the releasing organization, addressed to the director of the FSBSI ‘IEM’ on the participation of the employee sent to doctoral studies in the competitive selection; — a copy of the diploma on the award of the academic degree of a candidate of sciences or an academic degree obtained in a foreign state, recognized in the Russian Federation, the holder of which is granted the same academic and (or) professional rights as the Ph.D. in the Russian Federation; — a certificate of work experience, certified by the personnel department of the releasing  organization, or a copy of another document certified by the organization that issued this document, confirming the presence of at least 5 years of teaching and (or) scientific work experience, including the presence of work experience in the releasing  organization not less than 1 year; — a list of scientific achievements signed by the head of the releasing  organization and certified by the seal of the releasing  organization: a list of scientific papers, patents for inventions, utility model (if any) and other scientific and scientific-pedagogical achievements; — a questionnaire with a photo; — annotation of the planned doctoral dissertation; — detailed plan for a doctoral dissertation; — the protocol of the interview with the prospective scientific advisor; — a copy of the employee’s identity document (presented together with the original when submitting an application); — consent to the processing of personal data in the database of the Department for Coordination of Scientific Activities of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ‘IEM’. The documents listed in paragraphs 1 – 5 and 9 – 11 are provided on paper. The documents listed in paragraphs 6 – 8 are provided on paper and in electronic form.   Person responsible for receiving documents: Head of the Department for Coordination of Scientific Activities Ph.D. Barannik Irina Anatolievna 12 Akad. Pavlov Street 197376, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Administrative building, 2nd floor, office 77. Visiting hours: on weekdays from 10.00 to 17.00. e-mail:; phone: (812) 234-34-66   The cost of training for persons admitted to doctoral studies in 2018 is 112,700 rubles per year.   The payment procedure is established by an agreement on the training of scientific personnel in doctoral studies at the FSBSI ‘IEM’.