The scientific library of the Institute of Experimental Medicine was founded in 1891. The collection bases on 500 volumes from the personal library of Prince Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg, who was a trustee and founder of the Institute. The formation of the fund took place in accordance with the scientific research of the Institute. That is why this library is unique. Some of editions were donated to the library by various Russian or foreign organizations. Other different literature came from private collections.
The library contains the rarest editions of European medical literature of the XVI-XVIII centuries, collections of dissertations of domestic and foreign universities (Military Medical Academy 1851-1917; dissertations of the University of Gottingen 1702-1778 in Latin; doctoral and master’s theses defended at the IEM and many others). In the IEM Library there are many important historical documents, such as the correspondence of prominent Russian scientists with their colleagues, as well as legal acts of government officials relating to the activities of the Institute.
The library’s collection contains rare editions, such as: five books written by Claudius Galen (in Latin and Greek, 1538);‘Anatomia Deudsch’ written by Andreas Vesalius (lifetime German edition of 1551); Hippocrates aphorisms (in Greek and Latin, 1641) ); the medical works of Hippocrates (in Latin, 1657); the lifetime edition of ‘The Critique of Pure Reason’ by Immanuel Kant (3rd edition, 1790); P. Arguments of the War of 1812 by P. A. Chuykevich (in German, 1813) years); the dissertation of I.P. Pavlov (1883, autographed by the author).
Scientific literature
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Reading room
Working hours: 10:00-17:00
Working hours: 14:00-17:00