Department of Scientific Projects Support

SEC ‘Molecular Basis of Interaction between Microorganisms and Humans’

World-Class Research Centre for Personalized Medicine


Head of the Department

Barannik Irina Anatolievna


Head of the Scientific Projects Support Department of the Scientific and Educational Center ‘Molecular Foundations of the Interaction of Microorganisms and Humans’ of the world-class scientific center ‘Center for Personalized Medicine’ FSBSI ‘IEM’, Ph.D., Head of the Department for Coordinating Scientific Activities at the FSBSI ‘IEM’.


2003 – graduated from St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University LETI. named after V.I. Ulyanov

2007 – graduated from the postgraduate school at the State Research Institute ‘Institute of Experimental Medicine’ of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Author SPIN 9304-9475

Main academic interests:

psychophysiology of labor, psychophysiology of extreme professions, professional selection

Main Tasks

Organizational, informational and methodological support of research and innovation activities of the SEC “MOVM and CH” of the WCRS for Personolized Medicine.

Areas of work

Interaction with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, with the Federal State Budgetary Institution N.N. V.A Almazov of the Ministry of Health of Russia and other institutions on the work and development of the world-class Scientific Center. Information support and practical assistance in the preparation and execution of scientific projects, preparation of final and interim reports, legal protection of the results of intellectual activity, preparation of certificates and answers to requests of various levels, preparation of information materials, information support of scientific events and etc.

Development of a common scientific and technical policy and coordination of research, including re-equipment of the material base, development of principles for the distribution of financial resources and their control.

  • Ensuring of work on contracts and procurement activities and interdisciplinary projects.
  • Preparation of conferences and other events.
  • Working with the media
  • Ensuring of work with the scientific staff
  • Ensuring of financial and economic activities related to the functioning
  • Monitoring the activities in terms of scientific and scientific-technical cooperation, financial support.

Assistance in the preparation of scientific documentation, preparation and submission of scientific, technical and financial and economic documentation to the management of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution ‘IEM’.