Admission to the IEM residency 2020

Order on persons enrolled to the residency of FSBSI ‘IEM’ in 2020
All the documents will be accepted from July 13 to August 21 in the reason of made changes to the admission rules by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Acceptance of documents is carried out via e-mail. To submit documents, you must send a completed application and copies of other documents according to the list to The application is considered accepted only when a complete package of documents is provided. All information provided must be documented! Specialty code Name of specialty Places within the target quota Places within the CCP Places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services. Admission plan Applications submitted Admission plan Applications submitted. [table “14” not found /]
Rules for admission to training in basic professional educational programs of higher education – programs for training highly qualified personnel in the residency of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ‘Institute of Experimental Medicine’ (FSBSI ‘IEM’) in 2020. Admission of an applicant to participate in the competition for places within the target quota is carried out on the basis of an admission agreement for targeted training. The procedure for the provision of educational services at the expense of legal entities or individuals is regulated by local regulations of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ‘IEM’. There are the same requirements for competitive points are established for applicants to places within the framework of admission quotas, as well as under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, Entrance tests: The entrance test is carried out in the form of testing when applying for training for the 2020/21 academic year: The test results are taken into account with the results of testing conducted as part of the specialist accreditation procedure provided for by the Regulations on the Accreditation of Specialists, completed in the year preceding the year of admission, or in the year of admission Reception of documents

List of documents for participation in the competition:

  • application of the established form;
  • for applicants for targeted training, a copy of the targeted training agreement, certified by the customer, or an uncertified copy of the targeted training agreement with the presentation of its original;
  • original and copy of a document proving his identity, citizenship;
  • original and copy of a state-recognized document on higher medical education under specialist programs and annexes thereto;
  • original and copy of the military ID;
  • original and copy of the Insurance number of the individual personal account (SNILS);
  • Extract from the final minutes of the meeting of the accreditation commission;
  • handwritten autobiography;
  • persons with disabilities, when submitting an application, provide an original and a copy of a document confirming their disabilities;
  • 2 photos of 3×4 size;
  • originals and copies of documents testifying to individual achievements.
  • points awarded for individual achievements are included in the total competition points. All information provided must be documented!

Place of acceptance of documents:

Department of training highly qualified personnel (2nd floor of the administrative building), 12 Akad. Pavlov Street 197376, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation Phone.: (812) 234-23-17 E-mail: Visiting hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 16:00.