Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ‘Institute of Experimental Medicine’ is a medical organization (further called as an establishment). This establishment is a unitary non-profit organization founded in the form of a federal state budgetary institution. The Institute of Experimental Medicine was formed by the Decree of the Sovereign Emperor of Russia Alexander III ‘On the Adoption of the Institute of Experimental Medicine in the State Property and the granting of the name Imperial’ dated December 6, 1890. The date of creation of the Institute of Experimental Medicine is December 6, 1890. OFFICIAL NAME: Full title: Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ‘Institute of Experimental Medicine’; Abbreviation: FSBSI ‘IEM’. OWNER OF THE ORGANIZATION: The founder and owner of the property of the FGBNU ‘IEM’ is the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) carries out functions and powers in the name of the Russian Federation. Minister of science and the higher education of the Russian Federation – Falkov Valerij Nokolaevich. Legal address: 11 Tverskaia Str., Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation Postal address: 14/3 Solanka Str., Moscow, 10992, Russian Federation Phone:  +7 (495) 547-13-07 Web-site: E-mail: LOCATION: 12 Akad. Pavlov Street 197376, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation WORKING HOURS: 9:30-18:15 Monday –Friday Lunch break 12:00 – 12:45 CONTACT INFORMATION: 8(812) – 234-68-68 E-MAIL: