Laboratory of Personalized Microbial Therapy

The head of the laboratory is Doctor of Medical Sciences Ermolenko Elena Igorevna

Research direction: Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Therapy


  • Investigating of microbiome features, biochemical parameters, markers of inflammation and other clinical and laboratory parameters that allow assessing the functions of the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, digestion and immunity with varying degrees of carbohydrate metabolism disorders.
  • Studying of the intestinal microbiota and carrying out a correlation analysis between the composition of the microbiota and clinical and laboratory parameters characterizing various forms of metabolic syndrome (MS). The choice of an autoprobiotic taking into account the composition of microbiocenoses in patients with metabolic syndrome.
  • Analyzing of the effectiveness of various types of autoprobiotics for different groups of patients, differing in the manifestations of MS. Comparison of the effect of different therapy regimens: single and double courses (20 days) after 1 month.
  • Development of an algorithm for complex therapy with the inclusion of autoprobiotics in individuals with varying degrees of impaired glucose metabolism and preparation of guidelines.

Research direction: Oncology

Main goals of the Laboratory

  • Studying of microbiological markers of certain nosological forms in oncology using the example of colorectal cancer and myeloid leukemia.
  • Creating of an algorithm for predicting the development of relapses and the actual oncological process according to the intestinal metagenome and immunograms.
  • Studying the dynamics of microbiological, immunological and clinical indicators in cancer patients after using cytostatics, various types of antimicrobial therapy in patients after surgical treatment of colorectal cancer and in patients of the hematology department after bone marrow transplantation.

Main research direction


Direction ‘Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Therapy’ – Personalized microbial therapy as an approach to the correction of somatic pathologies (metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes).

Direction ‘Oncology’ – Development of an approach to improving the long-term results of treatment of cancer patients through personalized microbial therapy.


  • Personalized microbial therapy as an approach to the correction of somatic pathologies (metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes).

The main goal of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of autoprobiotics for use in the complex therapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes, and immune-dependent diseases.

  • Development of an approach to improving the long-term results of treatment of cancer patients through personalized microbial therapy.

The aim of this project is to study the effectiveness of autoprobiotic therapy in the complex treatment of patients with oncological and oncohematological profiles.


Research Group on Innovative Vaccines for the Prevention of Infectious Complications in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

The group is headed by a young promising researcher, Ph.D. – Tsapieva Anna Nikolaevna.

Research Assistants of the Laboratory of Microbial Therapy

  • Head of the Laboratory, MD, DSc, Associate Professor – Elena Igorevna Ermolenko
  • Junior researcher – Artemiev Ilya Andreevich
  • Leading Researcher, Doctor of Medical Sciences – Alexey Maslyansky
  • Junior researcher – Tkachuk Alexandra Sergeevna
  • Junior Research – Vasyukova Elena Andreevna
  • Research assistant, Ph.D. – Simanenkova Anna Vladimirovna
  • Leading Researcher, Doctor of Medical Sciences – Elena Demchenko
  • Junior researcher – Andreeva Alena Timurovna
  • Research assistant, Ph.D. – Duplik Nadezhda Vladlenovna
  • Research assistant, Ph.D. – Alekhina Galina Gennadievna
  • Research assistant, Ph.D. – Tsapieva Anna Nikolaevna
  • Research assistant – Marina Petrovna Kotyleva
  • Research assistant – Boldyreva Nadezhda Pavlovna
  • Research assistant – Lavrenova Nadezhda Sergeevna
  • Senior Researcher, Ph.D. in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor – Punchenko Olga Evgenievna

Main publications of the laboratory research assistants

  • Zakharenko A.A., Suvorov A.N., Shlyk I.V., Ten O.A., Dzhamilov Sh.R., Natkha A.S., Trushin A.A., Belyaev M.A. Disorders of intestinal microbiocenosis in patients with colorectal cancer and methods of their correction (literature review) // Coloproctology. – 2016. No. 2 (56). – S. 48-56.
  • Bagnenko, S.F. Perioperative changes in intestinal microbiocenosis in patients with colon cancer / S.F. Bagnenko, A.A. Zakharenko, A.N. Suvorov, I.V. Shlyk, O.A. Ten, Sh.R. Dzhamilov, M.A. Belyaev, A.A. Trushin, A.S. Natha, D.A. Zaitsev, K.N. Vovin, V.A. Rybalchenko // Bulletin of Surgery. I.I. Grekov. – 2016. – T. 175, No. 6. – p. 33-37.
  • Ermolenko E.I., Erofeev N.P., Zakharova L.B., Pariiskaya E.N., Kotyleva M.P., Kramskaya T.A., Karaseva A.B., Suvorov A.N. Features of the composition of the microbiota and intestinal motility after correction of experimental dysbiosis with probiotic and autoprobiotic enterococci // Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. – 2017. – No. 7 (143). – p. 89-96.
  • Solovieva O.I., Simanenkov V.I. , Suvorov A.N., Ermolenko E.I., Shumikhina I.A., Svirido D.A. The use of probiotics and autoprobiotics in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome // Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. – 2017. – No. 7 (143). – S. 115-120.
  • Ermolenko E.I., Abdurasulova I.N., Kotyleva M.P., Matsulevich A.V., Karaseva A.B., Tarasova E.A., Sizov V.V., Suvorov A.N., Svirido D.A. Effects of indigenous enterococci on the intestinal microbiota and the behavior of rats on correction of experimental dysbiosis // Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. – 2018. – T. 48, No. 4. – S. 496-505.
  • Ermolenko E., Rybalchenko O., Borshev Y., Tarasova E., Kramskaya T., Leontieva G., Kotyleva M., Orlova O., Abdurasulova I., Suvorov A. Influence of monostrain and multistrain probiotics on immunity, intestinal ultrastructure and microbiota in experimental dysbiosis // Beneficial Microbes. – 2018. – no. – S. 1-14.
  • Suvorov A., Karaseva A., Kotyleva M., Kondratenko Y., Lavrenova N., Korobeynikov A., Kozyrev P., Kramskaya T., Leontieva G., Kudryavtsev I., Guo D., Lapidus A., Ermolenko E … Autoprobiotics as an Approach for Restoration of Personalized Microbiota // Front Microbiol. – 2018 – Vol. 9 – Article 1869.
  • Ermolenko E.I., Kudryavtsev I.V., Solovieva O.I., Karaseva A.B., Tsapieva A.N., Kondratenko Yu.D., Kotyleva M.P., Serebryakova M.K., Shumikhina I A.A. Suvorov A.N. Features of the subpopulation composition of regulatory T-lymphocytes and intestinal microbiota in irritable bowel syndrome // Medical Immunology. – 2020. – T. 22, No. 2. – S. 335-346.
  • Dzhaparidze L.A., Suvorov A.N. Study of the human microbiome as a basis for the correction of infectious and non-infectious pathologies // Regional ecology. –2018. –№ 4 (54). -WITH. 16-27
  • Miliukhina I.V., Ermolenko E.I., Ivanova A.S., Suvorov A.N. role of gut microbiota in pathogenesis of parkinson’s disease // Neurological journal. – 2018.– T. 22. –No. 6. –p. 28
  • Ermolenko E.I., Abdurasulova I.N., Kotyleva M.P., Matsulevich A.V., Karaseva A.B., Tarasova E.A., Sizov V.V., Suvorov A.N., Svirido D.A. Effects of indigenous enterococci on the intestinal microbiota and the behavior of rats on correction of experimental dysbiosis // Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. – 2018. –T. 48. –№ 4. –С. 496-505.
  • Suvorova M.A., Kramskaya T.A., Suvorov A.N., Kiseleva E.P. Inactivation of m111 protein gene modifies streptococcus pyogenes interactions with mouse macrophages in vitro // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. –2018. -T. 164. –No. 3. –p. 347-350.
  • Suvorov A, Karaseva A, Kotyleva M, et al. Autoprobiotics as an Approach for Restoration of Personalized Microbiota // Front Microbiol.– 2018. –9. – doi: 10.3389 / fmicb.2018.01869
  • Smolonogina T. A., Isakova-Sivak I. N., Kotomina T. S., Evsina A. S., Stepanova E. A., Prokopenko P. I., Leontyeva G. F., Suvorov A. N., Rudenko L. G. Construction of a vector vaccine based on a cold-adapted influenza virus for protection against bacterial infection caused by group B streptococci // Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology. –2019. -T. 37. –№ 1. –С. 25-34.
  • Starikova EA, Golovin A.S., Vasilyev K.A., Karaseva A.B., Serebriakova M.K., Sokolov A.V., Kudryavtsev I.V. Burova L.A., Voynova I.V., Suvorov A.N., Vasilyev V.B., Freidlin I.S. Role of argininedeiminase in thymicatrophy during experimental Streptococcus pyogenesinfection // Scand J Immunol. –2019 / –89 (2). –E
  • Gupalova T., Leontieva G., Kramskaya T., Grabovskaya K., Bormotova E., Korjevski D., Suvorov A. Development of experimental GBS vaccine for mucosal immunization // PLOS one. – 2018. Doi. 10.1371 / journal.pone.0196564
  • Gupalova T, Leontieva G, Kramskaya T, Grabovskaya K, Kuleshevich E, Suvorov A. Development of experimental pneumococcal vaccine for mucosal immunization // PLOS one. – 2019. –14 (6). –E0218679. doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0218679.
  • Desheva Y, Leontieva G, Kramskaya T, Suvorov A. Mucosal vaccine based on attenuated influenza virus and the group B Streptococcus recombinant peptide
  • Kramskaya T., Leontieva G., Desheva Yu., Grabovskaya K., Gupalova T., Rudenko L., Suvorov A .. Combined immunization with attenuated live influenza vaccine and chimeric pneumococcal recombinant protein facilitates mixed virus-bacterial infection in mice // PLoS One. –2019
  • Suvorov A, E. Ermolenko, G. Alechina, A. Chernysh, A. Karaseva,, F. Di Pierro Enterococcus as probiotics: what is the advantage? // Nutrafoods. – 2019. – 1. – S. 17-25. DOI_10.17470_NF-019-0003.pdf
  • Ermolenko EI, Desheva YA, Kolobov AA, Kotyleva MP, Sychev IA, Suvorov AN. Anti-Influenza Activity of Enterocin B In vitro and Protective Effect of Bacteriocinogenic Enterococcal Probiotic Strain on Influenza Infection in Mouse Model // Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins. 2019 Jun; 11 (2): 705-712. doi: 10.1007 / s12602-018-9457-0.
  • Karaseva A.B, Kolobov A.A., Suvorov A.N. Comparative analysis of the antimicrobial activity of synthetic enterococcal bacteriocins. // Problems of medical mycology. – 2019. – T.21. – No. 2 – p. 78
  • Tiwari, S. K. Probiotics at War Against Viruses: What Is Missing From the Picture? / S.K. Tiwari, L. Dicks, I.V. Popov, A. Karaseva, A.M. Ermakov, A. Suvorov, J.R. Tagg, R. Weeks, M.L. Chikindas // Frontiers in microbiology – 2020. – Vol. 11. – Article 1877.
  • Suvorov A. What Is Wrong with Enterococcal Probiotics? // Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins. – 2020. – Vol. 12 (1). – P. 1-4.
  • Ermolenko E.I., Kudryavtsev I.V., Solovieva O.I., Karaseva A.B., Tsapieva A.N., Kondratenko Yu.D., Kotyleva M.P., Serebryakova M.K., Shumikhina I A.A. Suvorov A.N. Features of the subpopulation composition of regulatory t-lymphocytes and intestinal microbiota in irritable bowel syndrome // Medical Immunology. –2020.– T. 22. –No. 2. –S. 335-346.
  • Abdurasulova I.N., Matsulevich A.V., Tarasova E.A., Kudryavtsev I.V., Nikiforova I.G., Serebryakova M.K., Miroshnichenko M.I., Ivashkova E.V., Tatarinov A E.E., Ilves A.G., Ermolenko E.I., Bisaga G.N., Stolyarov I.D., Klimenko V.M. Changes in the intestinal microbiome in multiple sclerosis are associated with immune changes and psychoemotional disorders // Medical Academic Journal. –2019. -T. 19. –№ S. –p. 51-54.
  • Kudryavtsev I.V., Ermolenko E.I., Solovieva O.I., Serebryakova M.K., Shumikhina I.A., Suvorov A.N. Subpopulation composition of t-lymphocytes in irritable bowel syndrome // Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology. –2019. –No. 5 (165). -WITH. 22-28.
  • Sepp A.L., Yashin A.V., Kotyleva M.P., Ermolenko E.I., Kovalenok Yu.K., Dobrovolsky S.A., Gromova L.V. Influence of probiotic enterococci on the activity of digestive enzymes and the state of the intestinal microbiota in piglets during the weaning period // International veterinary bulletin. –2019. –№ 3. – p. 99-103.
  • Bacterial intestinal infections with hemocolitis syndrome in children: etiology, laboratory diagnostics NV Gonchar, KD Ermolenko, OI Klimova, EI Ermolenko, VV Gostev, Yu.V. Lobzin Medicine of extreme situations. – 2019. –T. 21.– No. 1. –p. 92-104.
  • Uspensky Yu.P., Baryshnikova N.V., Ermolenko E.I., Suvorov A.N., Svarval A.V. Helicobacter pylori vaccine: myth or reality? Infection and immunity. – 2019. –T. 9. –№ 3-4. -WITH. 457-466.
  • Abdurasulova I.N., Tarasova E.A., Kudryavtsev I.V., Negoreeva I.G., Ilves A.G., Serebryakova M.K., Ermolenko E.I., Ivashkova E.V., Matsulevich A V.V., Tatarinov A.E., Stolyarov I.D., Klimenko V.M., Suvorov A.N. Composition of gut microbiota and circulating th-cell populations in patients with scattered gut microbiota and circulating th-cell populations in patients with multiple sclerosis // Infection and Immunity. –2019. -T. 9. –№ 3-4. -WITH. 504-522.
  • Ermolenko E.I., Desheva Y.A., Kolobov A.A., Kotyleva M.P., Sychev I.A., Suvorov A.N. Anti-influenza activity of enterocin b in vitro and protective effect of bacteriocinogenic enterococcal probiotic strain on influenza infection in mouse model Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins. –2019. -T. 11. –№ 2. –p. 1-8.
  • Gromova L.V., Polozov A.S., Kornyushin O.I., Grefner N.M., Alekseeva A.S., Dmitrieva Yu.V., Ermolenko E.I., Gruzdkov A.A. TO DIABETES TYPE 2. Adaptation of hydrolytic enzymes and the system of glucose absorption in the small intestine In the book: Metabolic syndrome. Fundamental and clinical aspects – from theory to practice. – -WITH. 7-8.
  • Ermolenko E.I., Abdurasulova I.N., Kotyleva M.P., Matsulevich A.V., Karaseva A.B., Tarasova E.A., Sizov V.V., Suvorov A.N., Svirido D.A. Effects of indigenous enterococci on the intestinal microbiota and the behavior of rats on correction of experimental dysbiosis // Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. –2018. -T. 48. –№ 4. –p. 496-505.
  • Abdurasulova I.N., Tarasova E.A., Nikiforova I.G., Ilves A.G., Ivashkova E.V., Matsulevich A.V., Tatarinov A.E., Shangina L.V., Ermolenko E I.I., Klimenko V.M., Stolyarov I.D., Suvorov A.N. Features of the composition of the intestinal microbiota in patients with multiple sclerosis receiving drugs that change the course of multiple sclerosis // Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. C.C. Korsakov. –2018. -T. 118. – No. 8-2. -WITH. 62-69.
  • Miliukhina I.V., Ermolenko E.I., Ivanova A.S., Suvorov A.N. Role of gut microbiota in pathogenesis of parkinsons disease // Neurological journal.– –T. 22. –No. 6.– p. 280-286.
  • Ermolenko E., Rybalchenko O., Borshev Y., Tarasova E., Kramskaya T., Leontieva G., Kotyleva M., Orlova O., Abdurasulova I., Suvorov A. Influence of monostrain and multistrain probiotics on immunity, intestinal ultrastructure and microbiota in experimental dysbiosis // Beneficial Microbes. –2018.– no. -WITH. 1-14.
  • Suvorov A., Karaseva A., Kotyleva M., Lavrenova N., Kramskaya T., Leontieva G., Kudryavtsev I., Ermolenko E., Kondratenko Y., Korobeynikov A., Kozyrev P., Lapidus A., Guo D Autoprobiotics as an approach for restoration of personalized microbiota // Frontiers in Microbiology. –2018. -T. 9. –p. 1869.
  • Tkachenko O., Lapin S., Mazing A., Emanuel V., Belolipetskaia E., Beliaeva I., Myachikova V., Maslyansky A., Schierack P., Roggenbuck D. Profiling of non-criteria antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with sle : differentiation of thrombotic sle patients and risk of recurrence of thrombosis –2020. -T. 29. –№5. –p. 490-498.
  • Tkachenko O., Lapin S., Mikhailova L., Maslyansky A., Myachikova V., Gilburd B. Relapsing evans syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus with antiphospholipid syndrome treated with bortezomib in combination with plasma exchange // Clinical Immunology.– 2019. – T. 199. –p. 44-46.
  • Guseva V.I., Lapin S.V., Myachikova V.Yu., Maslyansky A.L., Chukhlovin A.B., Ivanova N.E., Tkachenko O.Yu., Blinova T.V., Totolyan A A. Clinical significance of determining the genes of the hla-drb1 locus in rheumatoid arthritis // Medical Immunology .– 2019. –T. 21. –№2. –p. 333-340.
  • Myachikova V.Yu., Titov V.A., Maslyansky A.L., Moiseeva O.M. Idiopathic recurrent pericarditis – a paradigm shift? // Russian Journal of Cardiology .– 2019. –T. 24. – № 11. –С. 155-163.
  • Tkachenko O., Lapin S., Guseva V., Mikhailova L., Maslyansky AL, Myachikova V. Yu., Belolipetskaia E., Belyaeva I., Mazurov V., Ivanova N., Gilburd B. Influence of hla-drb1 susceptibility alleles on the autoantibodies spectrum of systemic lupus erythematosus in european part of Russia // Autoimmunity Reviews. –2019. -T. 18. –№5. –p. 558-560.
  • Deodhar A., Gensler LS, Sieper J., Clark M., Calderon C., Wang Y., Zhou Y., Leu JH, Campbell K., Sweet K., Harrison DD, Hsia EC, Heijde D., Ariel F ., Asnal CA, Berman A., Citera G., Rodriguez G., Savio VG, Bird P., Griffiths H., Nicholls D., Rischmueller M., Zochling J., De Vlam K., Malaise M., Toukap AN, Van Den Bosch F., Vanhoof J., Bonfiglioli R., Keiserman M., Scotton AS, Xavier R., Ximenes AC, Atanasov A., Goranov I., Kazmin I., Licheva RN, Nikolov N., Oparanov B., Stoilov R., Bessette L., Rodrigues J., Bortilik L., Dokoupilova E., Dvoarak Z., Galatikova D., Nemec P., Podrazilova L., Simkova G., Stejfova Z., Moravcova R. , Vitek P., Cantagrel A., Baillet A., Banneville B., Combe B., Breban M., Nguyen M., Goupille P., Braun J., Everding A., Kekow J., Koenig R., Rubbert -Roth A., Witte T., Bartha A., Drescher E., Kerekes K., Kovacs A., Pulai J., Rojkovich B., Szanto S., Toth E., Avila H., Torre IG, Irazoque F ., Maradiaga M., Pacheco C., Brzosko M., Dudek A., Jeka S., Krogulec M., Kwiatkowska B., Wiland P., Wojciechowski R., Zielinska A., Santos H. Three multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies evaluating the efficacy and safety of ustekinumab in axial spondyloarthritis / / Arthritis And Rheumatology. –2019.– T. 71. –p. 258.
  • Benevolenskaya S.S., Korolkova A.A., Myachikova V.Yu., Kuvardin E.S., Zotkina K.E., Khadzhidis A.K., Grigorieva I.N., Bekhtereva I.A., Krivolapov Yu. A.A., Lila A.M., Maslyansky A.L. Combined biological therapy with belimumab and rituximab in a patient with Sjogren’s disease // Therapy. –2019.– T. 5. –No. 8 (34) .– p. 140-150.
  • Deodhar A., Gottlieb AB, Boehncke WH, Dong B., Wang Yu., Zhuang Ya., Barchuk W., Xu XL, Hsia EC, Aelion Ja., Amarelo-Ramos Ju., Balsa A., Berghea F., Brzezicki Ja., Burnette M., Fretzin S., García-Carazo S., Gladstein G., Gomez-Reino Ju., Gooderham M. Et Al. Efficacy and safety of guselkumab in patients with active psoriatic arthritis: a randomized, double -blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 study // The Lancet. –2018. -T. 391. –No. 10136. –p. 2213-2224.
  • Kuznetsova D.A., Lapin S.V., Gaidukova I.Z., Rebrov A.P., Maslyansky A.L. Clinical and diagnostic significance of autoantibodies to cd74 in axial spondyloarthritis // Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. –2018. -T. 63. –No. 5. –p. 297-301.
  • Klyaus N.A., Simakova M.A., Maslyansky A.L., Moiseeva O.M. Search for clinical predictors of pulmonary hypertension in patients with systemic scleroderma // Scientific and Practical Rheumatology. –2018. -T. 56.– No. 5. –p. 586-590.
  • Guseva V.I., Lapin S.V., Mazing A.V., Maslyansky A.L., Myachikova V.Yu. The importance of determining the genes of the hla system for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis // Medical Immunology. –2017. -T. 19.– No. S.– P. 114.
  • Budanova M., Mitrofanova L., Kozlenok A., Ryzhkova D., Maslyanskiy A., Moiseeva O.Ventricular Tachycardia As The First Manifestation Of Churg-Strauss Syndrome // Journal Of Cardiology Cases. –2017. –Т. 15. –№ 2. –p. 61-64.


Abdurasulova I.N., Tarasova E.A., Ermolenko E.I., Matsulevich A.V., Suvorov A.N. The use of a probiotic strain of the microorganism enterococcus faecium l-3 for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases Patent for invention RU 2642246 C2, 01.24.2018. Application No. 2014154366 dated 12.30.2014.