The Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ‘Institute of Experimental Medicine’ (FSBSI ‘IEM’) conducts fundamental, exploratory and applied (including preclinical and clinical) scientific research in accordance with state programs for the development of science in the Russian Federation for a long-term period and in accordance with annually developed in accordance with the established procedure plans of research work of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ‘IEM’. Priority directions for the development of Science, Technology and Technics in the Russian Federation: Life Sciences Critical technologies of the Russian Federation: 3. Biocatalytic, biosynthetic and biosensor technologies. 4. Biomedical and veterinary technologies. 5. Genomic, proteomic and post-genomic technologies. 6. Cellular technologies. 8. Nano-, bio-, informational, cognitive technologies. 10. Bioengineering technologies. 22. Technologies for reducing losses from socially significant diseases. The program of the fundamental scientific research of the State Academy of Sciences for 2013 – 2020: 1. Investigation of the fundamental foundations of life in health and disease 2. Genomics, proteomics, post-genomic technologies, metabolomics. 3. Nanotechnology, nanomedicine 4. Medical cell technologies 5. Pharmacological correction of vital processes 1. Fundamental and applied problems of oncology 2. New technologies for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, primary prevention, diagnosis and treatment of major human diseases 3. Invasive technologies 4. Studying of the patterns and mechanisms of the influence of the environment and work environment (climatic-geographical, territorial, ecological, anthropogenic, production factors) and living conditions on the health and quality of life of the population of Russia and development of the foundations of state policy in order to prevent, preserve and strengthen the health of the population. 5. Fundamental and applied research on the problems of infectious Epidemiology, Medical Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology, Infectious immunology, Biotechnology.