A meeting was held to support young scientists and specialists of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ‘IEM’

On August 7, at 15:00, a working meeting was held. Director of FSBSI ‘IEM’
S.B. Shevchenko with head of the Department of training of highly qualified
personnel M.A. Vedernikova and Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and
Specialists V.V. Guselnikova.
A wide range of issues related to the development of youth policy at the Institute
was discussed in detail, including the one proposed by V.V. Guselnikova a list of
additional measures to support young scientists at IEM. It was decided to form a
youth personnel reserve at the IEM, based on the results of the meeting, as well as
to develop a set of measures for targeted support of promising young employees of
the Institute. The initiatives are planned for implementation in 2023-2024.