Department of Ecological Physiology

The Department consists of:

The head of the Department

Deputy Head of the Department

Scientific secretary

The Department consists of :

Laboratory of Сhronic Viral Infections

Head of the laboratory Brief history of the Laboratory The Laboratory of Chronic Viral Infections was established in 2013. Academician N.A. Beliakov became the head of the Laboratory. Main Directions …


New directions in Russian Physiology and Medicine had started to develop in the middle of XX. These directions had been connected with the studying of influences, which hadn’t been noticed by human. It was the development of new methodological approaches to the studying of the mechanisms of the human organism and environment.

Academician of the RAMS Dmitry Andreevich Biryukov and many prominent scientists – physiologists, physicians, biologists: such as E.A. Korneva V.I. Klimova-Chersakova, V.V. Petelina, T.P. Shlyafer M.I. Yakovleva, V.P. Fedyaev N.N. Vasilievsky, G.A. Vartanyan, O.V. Bogdanov, D.N. Mnitsky and many others had united to solve this very important problem.
The Department of Comparative Physiology and Pathology of Nervous Activity established in 1950, at the IEM of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.

As a result, a huge study had begun, during which, the evolutionary conditions of the conditioned reflex activity of animals. The mechanisms of the biological effects of sound, ultrasound, light, ionized air, static electricity, electromagnetic fields, including ionizing radiation, were studied.

Particular attention was paid to the study of the physiological mechanisms of adaptive self-regulation of the functions of the nervous system. The Department organized a laboratory of medical electronics and cybernetics in 1960. Dmitry Nikolaevich Menitsky became the head of the Laboratory.

The Department was transformed into the Department of Environmental Physiology in 1970. The corresponding member Nikolai Nikolaevich Vasilevsky became the head of the Department.
The study of the characteristics of human adaptation in extreme conditions (in polar, highland, stress, etc.) and its individual typological features had been extended.
The Department had been headed by Nikolai Borisovich Suvorov (Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor) from 1996-2000.

The development of methods for psychophysiological correction of the human condition and rehabilitation, as well as the corresponding hardware-software complexes under the general name ‘Functional Biofeedback with Feedback’ (‘Cardiotraining’) had been continued.

The Department of Environmental Physiology had been headed by Academician of the RAS and Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Genrikh Alexandrovich Sofronov from 2000 to 2014. Series of studies had been carried out, which made possible to obtain unique scientific data showing the presence of distant human health disorders as a result of exposure to dioxin ecotoxicants (for the first time the concept of ‘Dioxine pathology’ appeared in different scientific literature).

Two new scientific laboratories were established in 2013: The Laboratory of chronic virus Diseases and Molecular Neurobiology (under the guidance of E.V. Malashicheva)
Alexander Valentinovich Dmitriev (Di.Si., Professor of the RAS) became the head of the Department in 2014.

D.А. Biryukov

N.N. Vasilevskiy

N.B. Suvorov

G.A. Sofronov

The main areas of research

Nowdays, fundamental and searching researches are held in three laboratories of the |Department within the government task.
Here are some of the main directions of the research, held in the Laboratory of Neuroecology:

  • Searching of new differential and prognostic electro-physiological markers in patients of the cardiological and neurological profiles;
  • Studying of physiological reactions of the cardio-vascular, central and autonomous neuros systems during changes of body position according to the vector of gravity (in postural impacts);
  • Creation of methodologies, algorithms, hardware and software for diagnostic and rehabilitation with using of the Biological Feedback, studying opportunities of their usage;
  • Development of medical technology of personalized diagnostic of forms of the Parkinson’s disease on the basis of the biomechanical, biochemical, genetic and clinical markers;
  • Development of medical technologies of early vegetative disorders in the Parkinson’s disease and methods of its correction
  • Diagnostic of changes and correction of pathobiochemical patterns during walking and postural disorders in neurodegenerative diseases

The research work of the Laboratory of Chronic Virus Infections is devoted to the studying of the mechanisms of damages of organs and systems in HIV and comorbid conditions with the aim of the development of new methods of diagnostic, treatment and preventions of comlications.

Main Academic Results

Currently, the scientific team of the Department of Environmental Physiology includes 2 full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences (N.A. Belyakov and A.V. Shabrov), 5 Doctors and 9 Ph.D.’s

The Department of Ecological Physiology takes an active part in the international scientific cooperation, educational and scientific activities.

3 Ecological Forums ‘Environment and the human health’ (2003, 2008, 2014) have been held under the guidance of G.A. Sofronov in St. Petersburg.

In recent years, the Department’s researchers have been awarded several prizes and awards: the Order of Friendship of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (G. A. Sofronov, 2005), the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education (T. N. Trofimova, 2011), and the Prizes of the Government of St. Petersburg for outstanding achievements in the field of science and technology (G.A. Sofronov, 2013; A.V. Dmitriev, 2015), Prizes named after Prince A.P. Oldenburgsky (A.V. Dmitriev, 2012, N.B. Suvorov, 2014).

Three researchers of the Department had been honored to address the IEM
Three employees of the department were honored to give a speech on the Speech-Day of the Institute of Experimental Medicine (G.A.Sofronov, 2006; N.A. Belyakov, 2011; A.V. Dmitriev, 2012).

The development of the ideas of N.N. Vasilevskii on alternating adaptive biocontrol with feedback led to the creation of a hardware-software complex adaptive biocontrol Cardiotraining, designed to restore the phenomenon of cardiorespiratory synchronization and assess the adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular system.

It has been successfully tested in dozens of patients with migraines, arterial hypertension, bronchial asthma, vegetative-vascular dystonia, myocardial infarction, hundreds of people with functional impairments, dozens of athletes and military operators. The use of the complex in clinical studies has confirmed the high rehabilitation effectiveness of the method, including in patients with acute myocardial infarction.

Defended Theses of the Researcher assistants of the Department

Doctoral theses:

  1. Rassokhin V.V. Somatic and secondary diseases in HIV patients conditioned by immunosuppression: Ph.D thesis, Specialty: 01/14/04 – Nervous Diseases SPb., 2014.

Candidate theses: 

  1. Milukhina I.V. Pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in different formes anti-inflammatory cytokines in various forms of Parkinson’s disease: Ph.D thesis, Specialty: 01/14/11 – Nervous Diseases, 03/03/01 – physiology. SPb, 2013.
  2. Dementeva N.E. Quantitative and Qualitative charecteristics of subpopulation Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of HIV subpopulations in blood and cerebrospinal fluid // Ph.D thesis, Specialty: 02/03/02 – virology. SPb, 2014.
  3. Gaisina A.V. Pathophysiological mechanisms of the formation of the VIC-associated of the neurocognitive disorders: Ph.D thesis, Specialty: 03/14/03 – Pathological Physiology. SPb, 2016.
  4. Sergeev T.V. The influence of the complex postural impacts on the processes in the cardio-vascular system of the human: Ph.D thesis, Specialty: 03.03.01 – Physiology. SPb, 2018.

Academic titles received by researchersof the Department for the past 5 years


Patents received by researchers of the Department for the last 5 years

  1. The Approach of functional and psychophysical correction of the human condition and description of the invention of it / N.B. Suvorov, I.V. Yarmosh, T.V. Sergeev, A.V. Belov, E.A. Agapova. – № 2655883 from 29.05.2018; published 09.06.2018, Bulletin. № 16
  2. A Device for the implementation of functional psychophysiological correction of a person / N.B. Suvorov, Т.V. Sergeeva, A.V. Belov, D.G. Pulikov. – № 168975 from 28.02.2017; published 28.02.2017, Bulletin. № 7
  3. A Device for recording temperature oscillations of human skin / А.B. Belov, K.G. Kuliabin, T.V. Sergeev, N.B.Suvorov. – . Useful Model Patent № 175460 from 26.07.2017; published 05.12.2017, Bulletin № 34
  4. Medical electric thermometer with diode transducer / А.V. Belov, T.V. Sergeev. –Useful Model Patent № 170297 from 14.05.2015; опубл. 19.04.2017, Bulletin № 11
  5. Suvorov N.B., Bozokin S.V., Iafarov A.Z., Sergeev T.V. Program for the of the dynamic index of the cardiovascular system ‘CARDIOSTRESS’ The Certificate of the state Registration of program for ECM № 2017614309 от 12.04.2017.
  6. Biological signal amplifier with fast recovery after overload / А.B. Belov, T.V. Segreev. – Useful Model Patent № 165053 from 29.12.2014; published 27.09.2016, Bulletin № 27
  7. Semchenkov A.A., Ulianovskii A.V., Suvorov N.B., Sergeev T.V. Cardio training with function of heart rate variability analysis. The Certificate of the state Registration of program for ECM 2013661210 from 02.12.13.

The most important publications for the last 5 years

  1. Boldueva S., Yarmosh I., Suvorov N., Leonova I. The biofeedback training as a method of rehabilitation after myocardial infarction // European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2013. April. 137 p.
  2. Miluhina I.V., Karpenko M.N., Timofeeva A.A., Klimenko V.M., Skoromez A.A. The role of the inflammatory in the pathogenesis of the Parkinson disease // Neurological Journal. 2013. № 3. 51–55p.
  3. Sofronov G.A., Suvorov N.B., Tolkachova P.I., Sergeev T.V. Influence of postural correction of haemodynamics and markers of heart rhythm // Medical Academic Journal. 2014. № 3. 38–51p.
  4. Suvorov N.B., Sergeev T.V., Chan Chong Functional biofeedback technology with feedback in the prevention and rehabilitation of health // Journal of Tropical Science and Technology. 2014. № 3. 3–12 p.
  5. Miluhina I.V., Karpenko M.N., Timofeeva A.A., Skromez A.A. Heterogeneity of Parkinson’s disease // Neurologu and Korsakov Psyhiatry Journal. 2014. Т. 14, № 8. С. 13–18.
  6. Izvekov E.I., Kuternitskaya E.A., Pankova N.A., Malashichev Y.B., Nepomnyashchikh V.A. Lateralisation of rotational swimming but not fast escape response in the juvenile sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus (Chondrostei: Acipenseridae) // Laterality. 2014. Vol. 19 (3). P. 302–324. URL:
  7. Levchenko A., Davtian S., Petrova N., Malashichev Y. Sequencing of five left-right cerebral asymmetry genes in a cohort of schizophrenia and schizotypal disorder patients from Russia // Psychiatric Genetics. 2014. Vol. 24 (2). P. 75–80. URL:
  8. Zagrivnaia M.V., Malashichev E.B. The genetics of the Genetics of schizophrenia and brain asymmetry: in search of molecular markers // Translational Medicine. 2014. № 3. 44–56 p. URL:
  9. Leonova A., Boldueva S., Yarmosh I., Suvorov N. A non-invasive variant of preventing sudden death in patients after myocardial infarction using a biofeedback method // European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care. 2015. Vol. 4, № 1. 131p.
  10. Bogdanova A.V., Zandakov C.V., Tishkov A.V., Zelenina L.A., Sergeev T.V., Kyropatenko M.V., Medical information systems in the pediatric practice — problems and perspectives // Pediatrician . 2015. Т. 6, № 4. 140–146 p.
  11. Miluhina I.V., Karpenko M.N., Klimenko V.M. Comparison of clinical indicators and the level of certain cytokines in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid in patients with Parkinson’s disease // Clinical Medicine. 2015. № 1. 51–56 p.
  12. Trulev A.S., Malashichev Y.B., Ermakov A.S. Artificial inversion of the left–right visceral asymmetry in vertebrates: conceptual approaches and experimental solutions // Russ. J. Dev. Biol. 2015. Vol. 46 (6). P. 307–325. URL:
  13. Giljov A., Karenina K., Ingram J., Malashichev Y. Parallel emergence of true handedness in the evolution of marsupials and placentals // Curr Biol. 2015. Vol. 25 (14).1878–1884 p. URL:
  14. Levchenko A., Davtian S., Freylichman O., Zagrivnaya M., Kostareva A., Malashichev Y. Beta-catenin in schizophrenia: Possibly deleterious novel mutation // Psychiatry Res. 2015. Vol. 228 (3). P. 843–848. URL:
  15. Sergeev T.V., Suvorov N.B., Tolkachov P.I., Belov A.V., Graba M.I. The influence of the Influence of postural loads of an oscillatory nature on the parameters of the heart rhythm // Bulletin of new medical technologies.2016. Т. 23, № 1. 79–85 p.
  16. Frolova N.L., Strelzov D.N., Sergeev T.V., Solnzev V.N., Kameneva E.G., Sofronov G.A. Features of the psychoemotional state and quality of life of patients with neurocirculatory asthenia // Medical Academic Journal. 2017. Т. 17, № 3. 20–26 p.
  17. Milukhina I.V., Ermolenko E.I., Ivanova A.S., Suvorov A.N. The role of the Mycrobiota The role of the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease // Neurological Journal. 2017. № 6. 280–286 p.
  18. Trulioff A., Ermakov A., Malashichev Y. Primary сilia as a possible link between left-right asymmetry and neurodevelopmental diseases // Genes. 2017. Vol. 8 (2). P. 48. URL:
  19. Miluhina I.V., Gracheva E.B. Modern views on walking disorders in Parkinson’s disease and methods for their correction // Neurology and S.S. Korsakov Psychiatry Journal. 2018. Т. 118, № 6. 96–101p.
  20. Kudrevatyh A.V., Didur M.D., Sergeev T.V., Bug D.S., Milukhina I.B. Non-motor symptoms and quality of life in patients with essential tremor, Parkinson’s disease and a combination of essential tremor and Parkinson’s disease // Medical Academic Journal. 2018. Т. 18, № 2. 63–71 p.
  21. Giljov A., Karenina K., Malashichev Y. Facing each other: mammal mothers and infants prefer the position favouring right hemisphere processing // Biology Letters. 2018. Vol. 14 (1). 2017.07.07.


Theses of the research assistants of the department over the past 5 years

Doctorate theses:

Candidate’s theses:

Academic titles received by the research assistants of the department over the past 5 years:

Patents obtained by the research assistants of the department over the past 5 years:

Technologies obtained by the research assistants of the department over the past 5 years:

The most significant publications over the past 5 years

  1. Белопольская М.А., Гареева А.И., Аврутин В.Ю., Дмитриев А.В., Гусев Д.А. Анализ риска инфицирования новорожденных в зависимости от течения COVID-19 у матери // Инфекционные болезни. 2022. Т. 14, №1, с. 105-110. DOI: 10.22625/2072-6732-2022-14-1.
  2. Anisimov A.A., Suvorov N.B., Frolova N.L., Belov A.V., Agapova E.A., Sergeev T.V. Assessment of Baroreflex Mechanism by Joint Analysis of Arterial Blood Pressure and Heart Rate. International Youth Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 255, 2021, pp 565-571. 10.1007/978-3-030-58868-7_62
  3. Belopolskaya, M., Avrutin, V., Kalinina, O., Dmitriev, A. and Gusev, D., Chronic hepatitis B in pregnant women: Current trends and approaches. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2021, 27(23), pp.3279-3289. DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v27.i23.3279
  4. Mukhin N., G. Konoplev, A. Oseev, M-P. Schmidt, O. Stepanova, A. Kozyrev, A. Dmitriev, S. Hirsch. Label-free protein detection by micro-acoustic biosensor coupled with electrical field sorting. Theoretical study in urine models. Sensors. 2021, 21(7), P. 2555. 10.3390/s21072555
  5. Novikova Tatyana V., Maria V. Kuropatenko; Aleksei A. Anisimov; Arlan F. Sagirov; Nikolay B. Suvorov. Research Method of Human Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Nervous Reaction Complex in Response to Dynamic Postural Loads 2021 Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology (USBEREIT), 13-14 May 2021, 0090-0093. 10.1109/USBEREIT51232.2021.9455078
  6. Sagirov Arlan F., Nadezhda L. Guseva; Elizaveta A. Agapova; Aleksei A. Anisimov; Alexander V. Shabrov. Electrophysiological Technique for Exploring Cerebral Hemodynamics and Brain Bioelectrical Activity During Postural Changes. 2021 Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology (USBEREIT), 13-14 May 2021, 0094-0097 10.1109/USBEREIT51232.2021.9455088
  7. Suvorov N.B., Anisimov A.A., Sagirov A.F., Sergeev T.V. Bioengineering System for Cardiorespiratory Biofeedback Control of Oscillatory Postural Load Proceedings 2021 IEEE Ural-Siberian Conference on Computational Technologies in Cognitive Science, Genomics and Biomedicine (CSGB), 26-28 May 2021. 10.1109/CSGB53040.2021.9496043
  8. Suvorov N.B., Belov A.V., Kuliabin K.G., Anisimov A.A., Sergeev T.V., Markelov O.A. High Precision Human Skin Temperature Fluctuations Measuring Instrument. Sensors 2021, 21(12), P. 4101. 10.3390/s21124101
  9. Yafarov A.Z.; Maria V. Kuropatenko; Nikolay B. Suvorov; Aleksei A. Anisimov. Algorithm for Analysis of the Correlation Between the Exposure to Functional Tests and the Dynamics of the Heart Rate 2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus), 2021 IEEE Conference of. : 1865-1867, 26-29, Jan, 2021. 10.1109/ElConRus51938.2021.9396539
  10. Zhelenina L.A., Afanaseva O.I., Golovachyova E.G., Kuropatenko M.V. Cytokine Profile in Influenza-Affected Patients with Bronchial Asthma and Cystic Fibrosis as a Relapse Marker of the Underlying Disease. Pediatric Pulmonology, 2021. V.56 , Suppl.2. P.91-92. WOS:000664681600072
  11. Белопольская М.А., Карев В.Е., Аврутин В.Ю., Дмитриев А.В., Гусев Д.А. Взаимосвязь между обнаружением маркеров HBV-инфекции в плаценте и клинико-лабораторными показателями матери и новорожденного. Журнал инфектологии, 2021. Том 13, №2. С. 95-101. 10.22625/2072-6732-2021-13-2-95-101
  12. Беляков Н.А., Багненко С.Ф., Рассохин В.В., Трофимова Т.Н., Колбин А.С., Лукина О.В., Симбирцев А.С., Трофимов В.И., Емельянов О.В., Кабанов М.Ю., Незнанов Н.Г., Рыбакова М.Г., Исаева Е.Р., Дидур М.Д., Тотолян Арег А. Эволюция пандемии COVID-19. СПб.: Балтийский медицинский образовательный центр, 2021. 410 с.: илл. ISBN 978-5-6041808-8-4 (МОНОГРАФИЯ)
  13. Беляков Н.А., Трофимова Т.Н., Симакина О.Е., Рассохин В.В., Серебрякова С.Л. Динамика пандемии COVID-19 и формирование постковидного периода в России. ВИЧ-инфекция и иммуносупрессии. 2021, Т. 13, № 2. С. 7-19. 10.22328/2077-9828-2021-13-2-7-19
  14. Беляков Н.А., Халезова Н.Б., Боева Е.В., Рассохин В.В., Симакина О.Е., Незнанов Н.Г. Социальные и психологические проблемы вакцинации населения от новой коронавирусной инфекции. ВИЧ-инфекция и иммуносупрессии. ВИЧ-инфекция и иммуносупрессии. 2021;13(3):7-23.
  15. Иващенко Т.Э., Останкова Ю.В., Асеев М.В., Куропатенко М.В., Желенина Л.А. Исследование полиморфных вариантов генов TNF-а и ER1 у детей, больных атопической бронхиальной астмой. Педиатрия. Журнал им. Г.Н. Сперанского. 2021. Т. 100. № 1. С. 215-221. 10.24110/0031-403x-2021-100-1-215-221
  16. Курганова Т.Ю., Мельникова Т.Н., Ковалев Н.Ю., Огурцова С.В., Симакина О.Е., Загдын З.М., Беляков Н.А. Эпидемиология трех коинфекций: ВИЧ, вирусного гепатита и туберкулеза — в Вологодской области как модель развития инфекций в Северо-Западном федеральном округе. ВИЧ-инфекция и иммуносупрессии. 2021, Т. 13, № 1. С. 7-16. 10.22328/2077-9828-2021-13-1-7-16
  17. По следам мировых эпидемий // Беляков Н.А., Трофимовыыа Т.Н., Кулагина Е.Н. и др. СПб.: АНО РОССИКА «Лики», 2021, 280 с., илл. (МОНОГРАФИЯ)
  18. Симакина О.Е., Беляков Н.А. Мировые эпидемии и морская медицина – восприятие событий в первый год пандемии COVID-19. Морская медицина. 2021. Т. 7, № 1. С. 20-32. 10.22328/2413-5747-2021-7-1-20-32
  19. Трофимова Т.Н., Андропова П.Л., Савинцева Ж.И., Беляков Н.А. Нейрорадиология в острой фазе коронавирусной инфекции — COVID-19. ВИЧ-инфекция и иммуносупрессии. 2021. Т. 13, № 2. С. 20-32. 10.22328/2077-9828-2021-13-2-20-32
  20. Улюкин И.М., Киселева Н.В., Рассохин В.В., Орлова Е.С., Сечин А.А. Психосоматические нарушения (дистресс, депрессия, тревога, соматизация) у лиц молодого возраста, перенесших COVID-19 // Медицинский академический журнал. 2021. Т. 21. №3. С. 63–72. DOI: 10.17816/MAJ79127.
  21. Шабров А.В., Горбачева И.А., Фоминых Ю.А., Сычева Ю.А., Донская О.С., Куликова Ю.Р., Мехтиев С.Н., Ивановский В.А., Кошель И.В. Герпетическая инфекция в оториноларингологии как фактор полиморбидности Российская оториноларингология. 2021. Т. 20. № 2 (111). С. 65-77. 10.18692/1810-4800-2021-2-65-77
  22. Шабров А.В., Галенко А.С., Успенский Ю.П., Лосева К.А. Методы диагностики эндотелиальной дисфункции. Бюллетень сибирской медицины. 2021. Т. 20. № 2. С. 202-209. 10.20538/1682-0363-2021-2-202-209
  23. Anisimov A.A.; Alexander V. Belov; Timofey V. Sergeev; Agapova A. Elizaveta; Alexander Z. Yafarov. System for Recording Continuous Blood Pressure and Heart Rate for Baroreflex Studying 2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus), 2021 IEEE Conference of. :1718-1721, 26-29, Jan, 2021. 10.1109/ElConRus51938.2021.9396462
  24. Сергеев Т.В., Агапова Е.А., Анисимов А.А., Белов А.В., Гусева Н.Л., Куропатенко М.В., Новикова Т.В., Сагиров А.Ф., Суворов Н.Б., Толкачёв П.И., Шабров А.В. Комплексное исследование физиологических реакций организма человека на сложные постуральные воздействия. Медицинский академический журнал. – 2021. – Т. 21. – №4. С.31-46. DOI: 10.17816/MAJ79459
  25. Anisimov, A.A.; Suvorov, N.B.; Sergeev, T.V.; Belov, A.V.; Skorobogatova, A.I. Vector Method for Hemodynamic Changes Detection During Orthostatic and Antiorthostatic Loads. 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus), 2020 IEEE Conference of. :1475-1477 Jan, 2020. 10.1109/EIConRus49466.2020.9039357
  26. Anisimov, A.A.; Suvorov, N.B.; Frolova, N.L., Belov, A.V.; Agapova, E.A.; Sergeev, T.V. Assessment of baroreflex mechanism by joint analysis of arterial blood pressure and heart rate. Springer Proceedings in Physics, Proceedings of the YETI 2020, Vol. 255 10.1007/978-3-030-58868-7
  27. Anisimov, A.A.; Skorobogatova, A.I.; Sutyagina, A.D.; Sergeev, T.V. ECG and Intracardiac Electrograms Temporal Characteristics Analysis. 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus), 2020 IEEE Conference of. :1470-1474 Jan, 2020. 10.1109/EIConRus49466.2020.9039473
  28. Belov, A.V.; Anisimov, A.A.; Sergeev, T.V.; Suvorov, N.B. Tunable band-pass filter for continuous spectral analysis of cardiointervalogram. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, International Scientific Conference “Metrological Support of Innovative Technologies – ICMSIT-2020”: Vol. 1515, Apr, 2020. 10.1088/1742-6596/1515/5/052064
  29. Miliukhina I.V., Senkevich K.A., Pchelina S.N., Usenko T.S., Nikolaev M.A., Timofeeva A.A., Semenov A.V., Totolyan A.A., Agapova E.A., Lubimova N.E. Plasma Cytokines Profile in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Associated with Mutations in GBA Gene. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. – 2020 – Vol. 168, No. 4 – Р. 423-426. DOI 10.1007/s10517-020-04723-x
  30. Анисимов В.Н., Бордовский Г.А., Финагентов А.В., Шабров А.В. (1) Государственная поддержка граждан старшего поколения: какая геронтология нужна современной России? (Части 1 И 2). Успехи геронтологии. 2020. Т. 33. № 4. С. 616-645. 10.34922/AE.2020.33.4.001; 10.34922/AE.2020.33.4.002
  31. Бабенко А.Ю., Балукова Е.В., Барышникова Н.В. и др. / п/ред. Шаброва А.В.(1) Метаболический синдром. Санкт-Петербург, 2020. ISBN 978-5-907321-19-9 (МОНОГРАФИЯ)
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