Department of Biochemistry

Head of the Department

Tanyansky Dmitry Andreevich,
кандидат медицинских наук


Phone: (812) 234-93-41

The Department consists of:

History of the Department

The Department of Biochemistry was founded in 1891 as the Physiological and Chemical Department of the Imperial Institute of Experimental Medicine. The Department had been headed by Marcel Wilhelmovich Nentsky, who had been leaded it until 1901. Subsequently, the Department was headed by such prominent Russian biochemists as B.I. Slovtsov (1918-1924), S.S. Salazkin (1925-1931) V.S. Gulevich (1931-1932), P.A. Ashmarin, V.A. Engelhardt (1945-1951), V.S. Ilyin (1951-1976), A.N. Klimov (1976-1995).

Current research directions of the Department were laid by the academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Anatoly Nikolaevich Klimov in 1962, when he, on the initiative of academician N.N. Anichkova, a lipid metabolism laboratory was organized. The laboratory was set a task of studying the role of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism disorders in the pathogenesis of an Atherosclerosis. The creation of a new laboratory led to the organization of a wide range of studies of biochemical mechanisms of the development of this disease for the first time in our country. The Autoimmune Theory of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, formulated by A. N. Klimov and his colleagues became famous world-wide. According to this theory, autoimmune lipoprotein – antibody complexes which form in the human body play an important role in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. New methods of treatment of the Atherosclerosis had been worked out on the base of this theory.

Since 1996, the Department of Biochemistry is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander Dorofeevich Denisenko.

The book ‘Biochemistry at the Institute of Experimental Medicine. 1890-2015’ was published to the 125th anniversary of the Institute of Experimental Medicine. This book examines the history of the formation and institutionalization of biochemistry in Russia. The most significant biochemical studies and information about the people who conducted them at the Institute of Experimental Medicine from M.V. Nentsky to the present are presented.

Bibliographic Information About the Edition

Golikov Yu.P., Parfenova N.S., Denisenko T.V., Denisenko A.D., Shavlovsky M.M., Orlov S.V., Danilovsky M.A., Sysuev V.M. Biochemistry at the Institute of Experimental Medicine 1890-2015. – SPb: InformMed. 2015. 367 s.

Main Academic Results

Nowadays, the main area of the research at the Department of Biochemistry is studying of biochemical, molecular biological and morphological aspects of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, as well as the search for new ways to treat the disease and its complications.

During this time, the department conducted a number of major studies that brought him world fame. One of the first achievements of the Department was the evidence that lipoproteins penetrate the vascular wall as a whole particle. Using various methodological approaches, a group of employees led by A.N. Klimov was able to refute the point of view that existed at that time about the passive transfer of cholesterol from plasma lipoproteins to any acceptors in the intima of arteries, and convincingly prove that the lipoprotein particle penetrates the entire vessel wall and is already undergoing metabolic changes in the intima. The use of histo- and electron-microscopic radioautography made it possible to study the mechanisms and pathways of lipoprotein transport into the vascular wall.

One of the major achievements of the Department is the creation of an Autoimmune Theory of the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis. It is based on the appearance of Autoantigenicity in lipoproteins, the formation of autoantibodies to lipoproteins and the formation of autoimmune lipoprotein-antibody complexes. Subsequently, it was founded that the reason of the development of the Autoimmune Response to lipoproteins is the modification of lipoproteins, primarily as a result of lipid peroxidation. The data obtained allowed us to develop and introduce into clinical practice two methods of treating patients with atherosclerosis, aimed at reducing the concentration of autoimmune lipoprotein-antibody complexes in the blood of patients. These studies were awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of Science and Technology in 2003.

A population-based study begun in 1975 aimed at elucidating the role of lipid metabolism disorders and other risk factors in the development of coronary heart disease and mortality was completed. There are about 10,000 residents of St. Petersburg under the supervision . This is one of the world’s largest population samples. It was established that mortality from coronary heart disease, in addition to the concentration of total cholesterol, is significantly affected by age, blood pressure and body weight.

RFBR 17-04-00196 A Study of the effect of TNF-a and adiponectin on the transendothelial transport of low density lipoproteins,

RFBR 15-04-07918 A Study of the effect of adiponectin on the production of apolipoproteins by human macrophages.

RFBR 15-04-00101 A Molecular mechanisms of the influence of endogenous apo AI on macrophage uptake of modified low-density lipoproteins and migration activity of macrophages.

RFBR 15-04-08186 A Hypoxia, oxidative stress, and endoplasmic reticulum stress as factors regulating the pro-inflammatory and migration activity of human macrophages during capture of modified low density lipoproteins.

RFBR 14-04-32173 A Regulation of expression of the human apoA-I gene by the nuclear receptor PPARgamma.


Theses of the research assistants of the department over the past 5 years

Doctorate theses:

Candidate’s theses:

Academic titles received by the research assistants of the department over the past 5 years:

Patents obtained by the research assistants of the department over the past 5 years:

Technologies obtained by the research assistants of the department over the past 5 years:

The most significant publications over the past 5 years

  1. Назаров П.Г., Мальцева О.Н., Танянский Д.А., Агеева Е.В., Лутфуллоева С.С., Денисенко А.Д., Пигаревский П.В. Тучные клетки и контроль трансэндотелиального транспорта. Роль гистамина // Цитология, 2021, 63(2):156–162.
  2. Танянский, Д.А. Денисенко А.Д. Влияние адипонектина на обмен углеводов, липидов и липопротеинов: анализ сигнальных механизмов // Ожирение и метаболизм, 2021, 18(2):103–111.
  3. Танянский Д.А., Трулев А.С., Агеева Е.В., Никитин А.А., Шавва В.С., Орлов С.В. Влияние адипонектина на продукцию аполипопротеинов А и Е макрофагами человека // Молекулярная биология, 2021, 4:697–704.
  4. Танянский Д.А., Диже Э.Б., Олейникова Г.Н., Шавва В.С., Денисенко А.Д. Механизмы влияния адипонектина на продукцию аполипопротеинов А-1 и В гепатоцитами человека // Медицинский академический журнал, 2021, 1:39–45.
  5. Okunevich I.V., Klyueva N.N., Parfenova N.S., Belova E.V. The corrective action of original cholesterol oxidase preparation: in vitro and in vivo use // Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal, 2020. 8(4): 209-213. DOI: 10.15406/ppij.2020.08.00298.
  6. Lizunov A.V., Okunevich I.V., Orlov S.V, Lebedev A.A., Bychkov E.R., Piotrovskiy L.B., and Shabanov P.D. The Effect of Сramizol on ApoA1 Gene Expression in Rats with Experimental Hyperlipidemia // Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series B: Biomedical Chemistry, 2020. 14(1): 82-85. DOI: 10.1134/S1990750820010102.
  7. Парфенова Н.С. Роль эндотелия в атерогенезе: зависимость развития атеросклероза от свойств эндотелия сосудов // Медицинский академический журнал, 2020, 20(1):23–36.
  8. Клюева Н.Н., Авалиани Т.В., Апраксина Н.К. Липидный спектр у потомства крыс в модели прекондиционирования психотравмирующего воздействия // Обзоры по клинической фармакологии и лекарственной терапии, 2020, 18(1):57–62. DOI: 10.17816/RCF18157-61.
  9. Воронкина И.В., Смагина Л.В., Бильдюг Н.Б., Мусорин А.С., Полянская Г.Г. Динамика активности матриксных металлопротеиназ и содержания белков внеклеточного матрикса в процессе репликативного старения линий мезенхимных стволовых клеток человека // Цитология, 2020, 62(3):210–219.
  10. Денисенко А.Д., Танянский Д.А. Адипокины в патогенезе атеросклероза при метаболическом синдроме / Метаболический синдром. Монография / под ред. А.В. Шаброва. СПб: СПб ГПМУ, 2020. С. 105–139.