
Academic Council in the form of a solemn meeting is held every year in December. It is named a Speech-Day of the Institute of Experimental Medicine. The speech-day is usually timed to the next anniversary of the founding of the Institute on the 8th of December, 1890. One of the key events of the Speech-Day is reading of an opening-speech. The first speech was ‘On the role of microbes in the general cycle of life’ was read by S.N. Vinogradsky at the ceremonial meeting of the Academic Council in 1896. The tradition of annual Speech-Days was firmly established in 1981, when A.A. Smorodintsev delivered a speech ‘The Problem of the Origin of Pandemic Influenza Viruses’. Since then, the leading scientists of the Institute of Experimental Medicine have been giving an assembly speech annually in a festive atmosphere on every Speech-Day. The right to read a speech is granted by the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute. It is extremely prestigious because it expresses public recognition of the scientific contributions of the scientist. Every opening speech is issued in the form of a special brochure. A compulsory copy of the speech is stored in the Scientific Library of the Institute of Experimental Medicine. Program of the Speech Day of the 12th December of 2019 year


1896 – Vinigradsky S.N. The Role of Microbes in the Circle of Life.
1897 – Vladimirov A.A. Laboratory Studies upon the question of the preventing and treatment of Bubonic Plaque.
1898 – Nentsky M.V. On the Immunization of Animals against Cattle-plaque.
1899 – Levin A.M. Etiology of Scurvy (read on the 16.01.1900).
1901 – Turchinovich-Vyzhnikevich V.I. On the Transbaikalian Station of the Imperial Institute of Experimental Medicine.
???? – Lang А.М. On the phototherapeutic cabinet at the Imperial Institute of Experimental Medicine
1981 – Smorodintsev А.А. The Problem of Origin of Pandemic Influenza Viruses.
1982 – Bekhtereva N.P. Development Paths: Physiology of Healthy and Diseased of Human Brain.
1983 –Klimov A.N. Cholesterol and a Cell.
1984 – Vasilevsky N.N. Modern Problems of Ecological Physiology
1985 – Tkachenko B.I. Physiology of Visceral Systems. Present and Future.
1986 – Vartanyan G.A. Classical reflex of Engram of Memory
1987 – Korneva Е.А. Interactions between the nervous and Immune Systems in the Norm and Pathology
1988 – Totolyan А.А. Pathogenicity of streptococcus and its molecular and genetic mechanisms
1989 – Dyban A.P. Ovum Cytoplasmic factors, genetic activity of Chromosomes and Epigenetic Mechanisms of early Mammalian Development.
1991 – Kambarova D.K. Problems of Clinical Neurobiology
1992 – Otellin V.A. Neurobiological problems of structural-mediator organization of central nervous system and Neural transplantation.
1993 – Sapronov N.S. Molecular aspects of Theoretical Neural Pharmacology
1994 – Gaitskhoky V.S. Molecular Genetics of Human: achievements, problems, perspectives.
1995 – Freidlin I.S. From Immune Regulation to Immune Correction.
1996 – Alexandrova G.I. Live Vaccine for Preventing of Influenza
1997 – Nagornev V.A. Morphogenesis of the Atherosclerosis: Results and Perspectives
1998 – Zavodskaya I.S. Development of S.V. Anichkov ideas in Fundamental Studies of Neuroparmacological RIIEM RAMS.
1999 – Denisenko A.D. The System of Lipids Transport in Blood.
2001 – Rudenko L.G. Influenza: Past, Present and Future.
2002 – Klimenko V.M. Neurobiology Patient Behavior.
2003 – Korneva E.A. Academicion of the RAS Dmitry Andreevich Biryakov.
2004 – Vasilyev V.B. Molecular Mechanisms of hereditary background and civilization – old rules and new focuses .
2006 – Sofronov G.A. Ecosystemic poisons and Human Health
2007 – Losev N.A. Pharmacology – Clinic (tacking into account interaction of М- and Н- cholinergic mechanisms).
2008 – Mazing J.A. Institute of Experimental Medicine: Memory of the Future.
2009 – Totolyan А.А. What you gave – that is yours.
2011 – Belyakov N.A. Brain as target for HIV.
2012 – Dmitriev A.V. Pathogenic streptococci: from Genome to Proteome.
2013 – Polevschikov A.V. Immunophysiology of Thymus: Get out of the square
2014 – Suvorov A.N. Microbiota of Human and Infection
2016 – Kokryakov V.N. Studies of antibiotic peptides of animals in the Institute of Experimental Medicine. Achievements and Perspectives.
2017 – Patkin E.L. Epigenetics – an integrating system between genes, metabolism and environment, detecting the phenotype.
2018 – Sokolov A.V. Interactomics of Metalloproteins.
2019 – Korzhevsky D.E. Neuroglia and its Participation in the Pathogenesis of Diseases of the Nervous System.