Scientists at the Institute of Experimental Medicine have developed a new vaccine against different subtypes of influenza A.
It will help to get ahead of the mutation of the virus and it will also help to solve the problem of constant variability of the pathogen and contribute to the creation of a universal vaccine in the future . The article was published in Scientific Reports. The research was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RSF).
‘The main problem that scientists face when developing vaccines against influenza is the large number of virus strains and the high rate of their evolution. We, in fact, went ahead of the curve, creating a ‘universal’ version of the live virus and made a vaccine out of it that protects against a large number of influenza A subtypes. The new vaccine will help to increase the effectiveness of vaccine prevention in the future’ commented Larisa Rudenko, project manager for Grant of the Russian Science Foundation, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the A.A. Smorodintsev Department of Virology.
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