Terms of use

1. General Provisions 1.1. These rules are developed in accordance with the Federal Laws ‘On Librarianship’ and ‘On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information’, the Charter of the Institute, and the Statute on the Scientific Library of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Experimental Medicine. 1.2. The library is a structural unit of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ‘IEM’ and provides literature and informational publications (including on electronic media) for research and educational processes. 1.3. The library serves according to subscription to all the workers of the Institute, defenders of thesis and Ph.D. students in the reading room; other specialists who apply to the library are served only in the reading room (exceptions are made at the written request of the director of the Institute). 1.4. Using of the library fund in the library is free. Prices for certain types of information (and copying) services are determined by order of the director of the Institute and the Regulation on Library Services. 2. The procedure for using the library 2.1. The right to use the book fund and other sources of information of the library at all subscriptions, in the reading room and in the reference and bibliographic department is granted to all workers of the Institute. 2.2. Retired research assistants who are out of the collective of the Institute are given literature on a scientific subscription issued on bail. The amount of the collateral is determined by the workers of the library in accordance with the market value of the book issued to the house. 2.3. Specialists who are not research assistants of the IEM are allowed to use books, magazines and other information materials received from the library only in the reading room on the security of an identity document. 2.4. All the readers must provide the on-duty librarian with an identity card or passport and a document confirming his work at the Institute (pass or certificate). 2.5. All the readers must familiarize themselves with the rules for using the library and confirm the obligation to fulfill them with their signature on the reader form before using the library. 2.6. All the readers must present an identity document. 2.7. The number of books issued and the terms for using them on the subscription of scientific literature are set as follows: – to professors, doctors, heads of scientific departments – up to 10 books for up to 9 months (provided there are no new requests for books taken); – to researchers and defenders of thesis of the Institute – up to 10 books for up to 3 months;
  • to all other readers – up to 5 books for up to 1 month;
The IEM library has a right to establish a reduced term of use for such books which are in special demand. Magazines received by the library over the past 5 years are issued for 7 days. Magazines of the current year are issued for work only in the reading room. The remaining periodicals are issued for a period of 1 month. The library, if there is a need for the right to change the amount of literature issued and the terms of use at their discretion. 3. Responsibilities of the library in reference, information and library services to readers Workers of the library must : 3.1. ensure the completeness and efficiency of meeting information requests of readers. 3.2. improve library, reference and information services for readers, using for this purpose various forms and methods of library and reference and information work. 3.3. provide a high culture of serving readers and create comfortable conditions for working with information sources. 3.4. monitor systematically the timely return of publications. 4. Rights and obligations of library readers 4.1. The reader has the right  to: 4.1.1. Receive information on the availability of publications and other information resources in the library. 4.1.2. Get complete information about the composition of library collections through a directory system. 4.1.3. Get advice from bibliographers in finding and selecting sources of information. 4.1.4. Receive an opportunity of using the library’s literature from the stock according to the subscription and in reading rooms in accordance with the procedure for using the library. 4.2. The reader must: 4.2.1. Take care of the documents received from the library fund and return them on time. It is forbidden to underline the text, make notes, tear out sheets, diagrams, drawings, maps. Books and magazines with the indicated defects are considered damaged and must be replaced in the prescribed manner. 4.2.2. The reader must carefully examine the editions received. The reader must make sure all sheets, drawings, diagrams, etc. are available. If any defects are found, the reader must notify the librarian on duty, otherwise, the reader who was the last to use this edition bears responsibility for its’ damages. 4.2.3. The reader must make sure that the librarian made a mark on the acceptance of this edition after returning all the literature. In the future, claims to the librarian about the lack of marks on the submitted literature will not be accepted. 4.2.4. Readers who go you go on vacation or go on a long business trip must hand over to the library all the literature on hand. 4.2.5. Readers of a scientific subscription are obliged to timely inform about a change in the place of service and residence. 4.2.6. Readers who systematically violate the rules for using the library lose their subscription.