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One-day seminar with international participation ‘Antimicrobial peptides as prototypes of new antibiotics’.

19.07.2021 All day

Year of Science and

WCRC for Personalized Medicine
Institute of Experimental Medicine, Saint Petersburg
On-line participation is available
Organizing Committee:
Chairperson – Olga V. Shamova (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
Co-chairperson – Alessandro Tossi (Trieste, Italy)
Maria S. Sukhareva (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
Elizaveta V. Vladimirova (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

The Seminar is holding in the frame of realization of the project “Infection diseases and antimicrobial therapy” at the World-Class Research Centre for Personalized Medicine (with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Agreement №075-15-2020-902).

The Seminar is devoted to the prospects of developing novel antibiotics on the base of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) as tools for combating multidrug resistant bacteria causing severe hospital infections including those arising during or after COVID-19. Varied structural classes of AMPs will be considered as templates for creation of such potent drugs (alpha-helical, beta-hairpin, proline-rich peptides), the pros and cons of these substances will be discussed. An application of AMPs in combination with conventional antibiotics as well as with metal nanoparticles also will be under consideration. Other types of the biological activity of AMPs will be discussed: immunomodulatory activity, interaction of AMPs (mostly beta-hairpin) with the complement system.

The main aim of the seminar is finding new ways for scientific collaboration.

The Seminar will be held at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, 69/71Kamennoostrovskiy prospect, Saint Petersburg and on-line.


The link for the connection will be send to all participants 1 h before the Seminar.

We look forward to meet you at the Seminar!

Organizing Committee

Technology / National Project Science

19th of July 2021, St. Petersburg. Conference hall of FSBSI ‘IEM’.