Laboratory of Neuroecology

Head of the Laboratory

Sergeev Timofey Vladimirovich,
кандидат биологических наук


Phone: (812) 234-09-25

Head of the laboratory

Brief history of the Laboratory

The Laboratory of Neuroecology was established in the Department in the middle 80-s with the aim of carrying out basic researches of neuro-systemic mechanisms of action of different electromagnetic fields of different diapasons and intensity.
These initiated and supported by the USSR-AMS studies had been held in the Soviet-American cooperation in the sphere of the environmental protection, which were internationally recognized. The researches had been undertaken under the guidance of N.N. Vasilevskii and had been held by the researchers of the laboratory: J.G. Alexandrova, M.V. Medvedeva, V.N. Nikitina, N.B. Suvorov, V.V. Uriash and others.
The development of the theory and methodology of Biofeedback became another fundamental area of the laboratory’s research. Data which had been obtained during the experiments on animals and studies on human had been received due to the biological reinforcement, which had been served as a basis for the creation of the modern therapeutic systems with using of the Biofeedback in our country and abroad. These scientific works had been held by Z.A. Aleksanian, O.V. Bogdanov, E.G. Vashchillo, A.M. Zinger, N.M. Iakovlev and others.
The group of biomedical engineering has been functioning since 2005 (head of the scientific group, PhD A.V. Belov). The laboratory provides practical embodiment of new ideas and developments. New hardware and software complexes were made. They were made for providing of biofeedback (Cardiotrenning), studying of the postural influences, researching of the reactions of the central and autonomous nervous systems on dozed intellectual load, registration of fast low-amplitude temperature oscillation.

Main Directions of the Research

  • Searching of new differential and prognostic electrophysiological rates for patients of cardiological and neurological profiles.
  • Studies of physiological reactions of cardio-vascular, central and autonomic nervous system during changes of human body position according to gravity vector (at postural exposure of different intensity and direction)
  • Creation of different methodologies, algorithms and hardware and software of diagnostics and rehabilitation with using of methodology of bio-management (biofeedback), researches opportunities and its using
  • Development of medical technologies of diagnostics of prognostication of vegetative disorders during the Parkinson’s and methods of its correction.
  • Hardware and software complex for registration of fast temperature oscillations of the human skin surface had been created (in the level of thousands fractions of degree)

Main Scientific Results for the Last 5 Years

  1. Differential-diagnostic criteria for screening of population to identify the groups of risk for neurovascular Dyscirculatory Pathology had been set. A new unique and patented method of detecting intracranial hypertension using wave patterns of an electroencephalogram had been developed on the base of long-term clinical studies of patients with cerebral disorders. The method is highly informative and allows to detect the dysfunction in the early stages of the development of the disease. An EEG examination of children with the consequences of prenatal damage to the central nervous system (psycho-speech delay) had been passed with the help of the new method. The results of the research helped us to assume that dysfunctions in most cases are the result of a violation of cerebral hemoliquorodynamic.
  2. First methodologies of difficult dynamic postural influences on the human body, taking into account the multifactorial nature of their influence and the possibility of changing the intensity of this effect due to varying angles, speed, duration, sequence of effects. New data about the character of the changes different hemodynamics rates such as stroke systolic blood volume, blood pressure, heart rate, temperature oscillations, etc. and rhythms of the brain, heart and breathing before, during and after the complex of dynamic postural effects had been obtained during the researches of the group of healthy subjects.
  3. In the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Centre (Vietnam, Hanoi) had been realized the program of joint research of the effectiveness of using the hardware and software complex of adaptive bio-management ‘Cardiotrenning’ during the rehabilitation of the people affected by the ‘Agent Orange’. This method proved its effectiveness. It was shown that during the research the heart rate, arterial pressure and cardiac rhythm had normalized in most of patients. The cardiogram showed that their own harmonics had been formed, which had been synchronized with breath. Their amplitude and period had increased. The voltage of the cardiovascular system had decreased.
  4. Dyagnostic markers for the differential diagnosis of the Parkinson disease and essential tremor and prognostic markers of the predicting of the severity of autonomic disorders during disease progression had been developed on the basis of clinical researches, data and the results stabilometric researches of the patients suffering from the Parkinson’s disease.
  5. Hardware and software complex had been developed and patented for the registration fast temperature oscillations of the human skin surface (at the level of thousands of degree).

Researchers of the Laboratory of Neuroecology

Research Assistants of the Laboratory

Shabrov Alexander Vladimirovich

гл.н.с., д.м.н. проф., академик РАН

Research interests: Внутренние болезни, кардиология, гепатология, семейная медицина, клиническая фармакология, общественное здоровье и организация здравоохранения, экология, профилактическая медицина.

Belov Alexander Viktorovich

Ведущий научный сотрудник, кандидат технических наук, доцент

Research interests: разработка аппаратно-программных средств регистрации и обработки физиологических сигналов; управление в биосистемах.

Guseva Nadezhda Leonidovna

Ведущий научный сотрудник, кандидат биологических наук

Research interests: нейрофизиологические исследования в клинике и эксперименте, анализ и интерпретация электроэнцефалографических данных.

Suvorov Nikolai Borisovich

вед.н.с., д.б.н., профессор

Research interests: Управление в биологических системах, нелинейные процессы в биологических сигналах, разработка информационных комплексов психофизиологической поддержки стандартного лечения и коррекции состояния, анализ сигналов.

Agapova Elizaveta Alexandrovna

Научный сотрудник

Research interests: ЭЭГ, асимметрия мозга у человека и животных.