N.N. Anichkov Laboratory of Atherosclerosis

Head of the Laboratory

Pigarevskiy Petr Valerievich,
доктор биологических наук

e-mail: pigarevskiy.pv@iemspb.ru

Phone: (812) 234-57-66

History of the Laboratory


V.А. Nagornev

The Anichkov Laboratory of Atherosclerosis takes origin from the laboratory of Cardiovascular Pathology (the head of the laboratory K.G. Volkova, professor). The laboratory had been a part of the department of Pathological Anatomy, which had been headed by N.N. Anichkov from 1921 to 1964. T.A. Sinizina had become the head of the laboratory after the death of N.N. Anichkov.

The Department of Atherosclerosis was opened by academician A.N. Klimov in the Institute of Experimental Medicine in 1972. The Laboratory of Morphology of Atherosclerosis became a part of the department and it had been headed by professor T.A. Sinizina.

The laboratory had renamed to the N.N. Anichkov Laboratory of Atherosclerosis at the end of 80-s. The laboratory had been headed by him till his last days in 2009.

Nowadays, the laboratory is a part of the Department of General and Private Morphology. The head of the laboratory is Petr Valerievich Pigarevskii, who is a Doctor of Biological Science.

Main Areas of Research

Workers of the N.N. Anichkov    Laboratory of Atherosclerosis

Studying of cell-molecular mechanisms of adaptive immune response during the atherogenesis and researching of immunopathological mechanisms of destabilization of atherosclerotic plaque in humans, researching of features of immuno-inflammatory process in different atherosclerotic damages with the aim of clarifying of reasons and mechanisms of occurrence of progressive atherosclerotic plaques, revealing of predictors and clinical markers of such destabilization, valuation of balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cells and humoral factors in the focus of the immune inflammatory.

Main Academic Results for the past 5 years

Unstable atherosclerotic plaque

Macrophages in an atherosclerotic plaque. Immunohistochemical staining. Confocal microscopy.

Lymphocytes and macrophages on the damaged surface of the vessel. Scanning electron microscopy.

Integrated immunohystochemical, morphological and immunobiochemical study of the role of autoimmune mechanisms in the establishment and developing of the unstable, which is different from the point of view of the progressive growth of the atherosclerotic damages of the arteries of the human body gave an opportunity to establish the existence of new facts.

It had been done on the base of the analysis of structural features of different atherosclerotic damages which allowed to made a classification that constructed around the generated types (устоявшихся) of unstable and stable atherosclerotic plaques.

For the first time, separate progressive form of the unstable plaque have been divided, in which there is the permanent alternation of the layers of produced again of the lipid deposits with layers of fibrotic connective tissue (changing of the phases of the progression and the remission). This type of the damage hadn’t been taken into account as unstable one before.

For the first time, the possible link between deep destructive and degenerative changes of the elastic and collagen lattice, which is seen during the formation of unstable atherosclerotic plaque and high expression of anti-inflammatory interlykyn-18 in cells and structures of the same type of damages

The role of this cytokine in the destabilization of the atherosclerotic plaque is still unknown.

The new hypothesis has been expressed on the obtained data.

The hypothesis was about the indirect effect of IL-18 on the studying process due to its ability to induce the synthesis of the interferon-gamma in the T-lymphocytes and in the macrophages, which leads to the inhibition of the collagen and elastin in the smooth muscles of the vascular wall and to disruption of the durability of the fibrous tire of the plaque.

It is possible that the usage of the IL-18 inhibitors will be able to limit the formation of unstable lesions and thereby hinder the progression of the atherosclerotic process in human arteries in the future.

The close link is detected between the infiltration of the wall of the vessel by the immune-inflammatory cells and the processes of the destabilization of the atherosclerotic plaque.

The most significant publications over the past 5 years

  1. Pigarevskiy P.V. Аtherosclerosis. Unstable atherosclerotic plaque. (Immuno-morphological research): атлас. СПб.: СпецЛит, 2018. 148 P.
  2. Pigarevskiy P.V.,Maltseva S.V., Snegova V.A., Davidova N.G. The role of the Interleucin-18 in the destabilization of the atherosclerotic plague of the human // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2014, 157(6):796–801. DOI: 10.1007/s10517-014-2675-x
  3. Pigarevskiy P.V., Malzeva S.V., Malzeva S.V., Snegova V.A., Davydov N.G., Gyseva V.A. Chlamydia pneumoniae and immuno-inflammatory reactions in an unstable atherosclerotic plaque in humans / Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine /, 2015, 159(2):244–248. DOI: 10.1007/s10517-015-2941-6
  4. Pigarevskiy P.V., Chirsky V.S.., Anichkov N.M. On the 130th anniversary of the birth of a major pathologist, academician of the Academy of Sciences and USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Nikolai Nikolaevich Anichkov // Pathophysiology and experimental therapy. 2015, 59(3):150–158.
  5. Burova L.A. Pigarevskiy P.V. , Snegova V.A., Kyleshevich E.V. Е., Zharkov D.A., Shalen K. Totolyan A.A., . Nephritogenic activity of Streptococcus pyogenes of genotypes emm1 and emm12, differing by source of excretion // Infection and Immunization, 2015, 5(3):233–242.
  6. Pigarevskiy P.V., Malzeva S.V., Snegova V.A., Davidova N.G., Yakovleva O.G., Vorozbit R.А. The role of type 1 matrix metalloproteinase in the destabilization of atherosclerotic plaque in humans //Medical Academic Journal, 2015, 15(4):54–58.
  7. Pigarevskiy P.V., Snegova V.A, Malzeva S.V., Davidova N.G Т-lymhocytes and makrophages in the unstable atherosclerotic damages in human //Cytokinas and Inflammation, 2015, 14(2):84–87.
  8. Pigarevskiy P.V, Davidova N.G, Snegova V.A., Davidova N.G., Yakovleva O.G., Vorozbit P.A. The role of the Interleucin -8 and Т- lymphocytes in the destabilization of atherosclerosis plaque of the human //Medical Academic Journal, 2016, 16(2):51–55.
  9. Pigarevskiy P.V., Malzeva S.V., Tatrinov A.E., Ivanova A.S., Tanianskiy D.A., Snegova V.A. ., Chivikov N. V. Type 1 matrix metalloproteinase in the blood of patients with coronary heart disease and in atherosclerotic lesions in humans // Cytokines and Inflammatory , 2016, 15(1):61–65.
  10. Burova L.A.,Pigarevskiy P.V., Snegova V.A., Dyplik N.V., Shalen K., Totolyan А.А. Нефритогенность IgA связывающих Streptococcus pyogenes. Моделирование IgA-нефропатии // Medical Immunology, 2016, 18(3):221–230. DOI: 10.15789/1563-0625-2016-3-221-230
  11. Pigarevskiy P.V, Maltseva S.V., Snegova V.A.., Davidova N.G. , Yakovleva О.Г., Vorozbit R.А. The Role of Chlamydia pneumoniae and TNF-ά in destabilization of atherosclerotic plaque in humans // Medical Academic Journal – 2017.- Т.17, №2.- 100 – 104p.
  12. Pigarevskiy P.V., Maltseva S.V, Snegova V.A., Davidova N.G., Yakovlev O.G., Vorozbit P.A., The role of Chlamydia pneumoniae and the IL-8 in the destabilization of the atherosclerotic plaque in human// Medical Academinc Journal, 2017, 17(2):27–32.
  13. Tanianskii D.A., Pigarevskii P.V., Maltseva S.V., Denisenko A.D. Immunohistochemical detection of adiponectin in atherosclerotic plaque // Atherosclerosis, 2018, 275:e134–e135.
  14. Chumasov E.I., Pigarevskiy P.V, Korzhevskiy D. E., Petrova E.S., Yakovleva O.G., Maltseva S.V., Snegova V.A Immunomorphological study of neurovascular relationships in the aortic wall of a person in the zone of formation of unstable atherosclerotic lesions //Cytokines and Inflammation , 2018, 17(1–4):49–55.
  15. Pigarevskii P.V., Snegova V.A., Nazarov P.G. Macrophages and their roles in the destabilization of the atherosclerotic plaque // Cardiology, 2019, 59(4):88–91. DOI: 10.180871cardio.2019.4.10254.
  16. Тоtolyan А.А., Byrova l.А., Pigarevskii P.V., Experimental post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. SPb .: Man Publishing House, 2019.108 p.

Research Assistants of the Laboratory