Laboratory of Lipoproteins

Head of the Laboratory

Tanyansky Dmitry Andreevich,
кандидат медицинских наук


Phone: (812) 234-93-41

Laboratory of Lipoproteins was established in 1993.

The laboratory continues to study types of lipoprotein modifications leading to the development of an autoimmune response. In recent years, it has been established that, in addition to peroxidation, other modifications of lipoproteins occur in the human body, such as acetylation, homocysteination, etc. It has been founded that antilipoprotein antibodies model the atherogenic effects of modified lipoproteins. It was also shown that peroxide-modified low-density lipoproteins cause apoptosis of cells (macrophages), while lipoproteins of high-density  prevent cell death caused by modified lipoproteins.

The Laboratory pays a considerable attention to the role of hyperhomocysteinemia in atherogenesis. It has been shown that there is an increased level of homocysteine ​​in blood plasma in St. Petersburg residents and it is independent risk factor for the development of clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis (coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels and vessels of the lower extremities). It was established that the main reasons for the development of hyperhomocysteinemia in St. Petersburg residents were a deficiency of folic acid or vitamin B12, homozygosity for the thermolabile allele of methylenehydrofolate reductase, and kidney disease. Normalization of the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood has a beneficial effect on the clinical course of coronary heart disease.


It was found during studying the mechanisms of the development of atherogenic Dyslipoproteinemia in the metabolic syndrome, that adipokines, in particular adiponectin, play an important role in the development of atherogenic changes in the metabolism of lipoproteins in the metabolic syndrome. Adiponectin levels were significantly reduced in patients with metabolic syndrome compared with healthy individuals, and this led to increased levels of unesterified fatty acids and insulin resistance. It was established that the concentration of adiponectin is one of the most important factors determining the level of triglycerides in blood plasma. The relationship of the concentration of adiponectin with metabolic parameters is realized due to the multimeric, but not oligomeric form of the long adipokine. Moreover, the concentration of multimeric adiponectin and the ratio multimeric / total adiponectin are not more significant markers of metabolic disorders than the content of total adiponectin. In addition, the stimulating effect of adiponectin on the expression of the antiatherogenic gene of apolipoprotein A-I by hepatocytes of the HepG2 line was shown. The mechanisms of action of adiponectin on the expression of the gene of apolipoprotein A-I were established. For the first time, the stimulating effect of adiponectin on the expression of the apolipoprotein AI gene in macrophages is shown, which can lead to regression of the plaque of the vessel wall.

It was found during studying the mechanisms of Atherogenesis in the Department that one of the earliest events in the genesis of atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries is the activation of the transendothelial transport of lipoproteins into the vascular wall. Therefore, a model was developed for evaluating the transendothelial transport of low density lipoproteins using a monolayer of immortalized endothelial cells of the EA.Hy926 line, which allows us to study in detail the mechanisms of low density lipoprotein transport and establish the role of various biologically active molecules in this process. It was established using this model that thransport of lipoproteins of low density through endotheliocytes is stimulated by tumor necrosis factor-alpha and C-reactive protein.

The most significant publications over the past 5 years

Demina E.P., Miroshnikova V.V., Rodygina T.I., Kuryanov P.S., Vinogradov A.G., Denisenko A.D., Shvartsman A.L. Expression of the ABCA1 transporter gene in lymphocytes and macrophages of the peripheral blood of patients with atherosclerosis // Molecular Biology. 2011.V. 45. No. 2. P. 289–293.

Nagornev V.A., Ketlinsky S.A., Denisenko A.D., Pigarevsky P.V., Sineva S.A., Maltseva S.V., Rekstin A.R. The effect of immunization of C57Bl / 6J mice with peroxide-modified low-density lipoproteins on the severity of atherosclerotic lesions // Archive of Pathology. 2011.V. 73. No. 4. p. 38-41.

Lyadoshchuk V.A., Denisenko A.D. The content of asymmetric dimethylarginine in the blood plasma of patients with coronary heart disease // Medical academic journal. 2011. T. 11. No. 1. S. 30-33.

Tanyanskiy D.A., Firova E.M., Shatilina L.V., Denisenko A.D. Adipokines in the pathogenesis of atherogenic dyslipidemia in the metabolic syndrome // Medical Academic Journal. 2011., T. 11. No. 2. S. 78-85.

Tanyanskiy D.A., Denisenko A.D. Molecular forms of adiponectin: Comparative evaluation of their correlations with parameters of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism // Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplemental Series B: Biomedical Chemistry. 2011. Vol. 5. No. 3. P.293-300.

Tanyanskiy D.A., Denisenko A.D. Molecular forms of adiponectin: a comparative assessment of the relationship with the parameters of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. // Biomedical chemistry. 2012.V. 59. No. 4. P. 457-466.

Research Assistants of the Laboratory

Ageeva Elena Viktorovna

Старший научный сотрудник, к.м.н.

Research interests: атеросклероз, метаболический синдром, изучение транспорта липопротеинов через эндотелий, изучение роли цитокинов в атерогенезе.

Parfenova Nina Solomonovna

Старший научный сотрудник, к.м.н.

Research interests: нейрогуморальная регуляция метаболизма, липидный обмен, патогенез атеросклероза.

Belova Elena Vladimirovna

Научный сотрудник, к.б.н.

Research interests: атерогенные и антиатерогенные липопротеины.

Ivanova Anna Andreevna

Научный сотрудник

Research interests: атеросклероз, иммунные факторы атеросклероза, модифицированные липопротеины низкой плотности, защитные функции липопротеинов высокой плотности, антитела к модифицированным липопротеинам низкой плотности.

Klyueva Natalya Nikolaevna

Научный сотрудник, к.б.н.

Research interests: атерогенные и антиатерогенные липопротеины, психогенный стресс и липидный обмен, молекулярное взаимодействие белков с холестерином и другими стероидами.

Kalashnikova Natalya Mikhailovna

Младший научный сотрудник

Research interests: липидный обмен.